Question: 1 / 50

Which cardiovascular disease risk factor would require a male client to obtain medical clearance before exercising?

Resting heart rate of 75 bpm

Resting heart rate of 90 bpm

Resting heart rate of 105 bpm

A resting heart rate of 105 bpm is considered elevated and falls outside the normal range for resting heart rates, which typically lies between 60 and 100 bpm for adults. In the context of exercise and cardiovascular risk assessment, higher resting heart rates can indicate underlying cardiovascular issues or increased stress on the heart. For a male client with a resting heart rate in this range, medical clearance is essential before initiating an exercise program, as it ensures that any potential cardiovascular risks are evaluated by a healthcare provider. This step is crucial for ensuring safety and tailoring an exercise regimen that suits the client's health status. While a resting heart rate of 120 bpm is concerning and also warrants medical clearance, the threshold for requiring such clearance typically prompts at rates around 100 bpm or higher, especially if there are other risk factors present or if the individual has not been regularly active. Therefore, the best choice for when medical clearance is specifically required, while still allowing for some degree of caution around the thresholds, is at a resting heart rate of 105 bpm.

Resting heart rate of 120 bpm


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